And when I was busy wasting my time on my girlfriend who is my ex now, my friends were busy coding an AI chat-bot. Now, I use their chat-bot to talk to when lonely.

Moral :
Girlfriends ditch you.... code doesn't. Love code.

  • 41
    you fuck gilfriend, code fucks you :-D you choose
  • 14
    @japzio Give this man a cookie!
  • 7
    I never felt time ON a girl is wasted, but maybe that is just me...
  • 2
    Sorry to pop your bubble. But did you come? 👀 I mean while chatting with chatbot.
  • 3
    @htlr document.cookie = "username=japzio; expires=Thu, 18 Dec 2018 12:00:00 UTC; path=/";
  • 6
    @prat-i-k I feel you man. I was with my wife for 5 years. Got married about a year and a half ago. A couple months ago, she and I got into an argument, it got a bit heated and she called the police on me. Told them I had a gun and that I had pushed her (not true). I was arrested, spent four days in jail.

    My wife filed for a domestic violence restraining order and moved out of our apartment. While there was a temporary restraining order against me and she wasn't living at our apartment it got broken into and a lot of my technology got stolen - laptop, TV, external hard drives, etc. I got the restraining order dropped when I went to court but I wasn't able to keep my apartment because I couldn't afford it on my own so now I'm homeless.

    And it all started with a fucking woman. Lesson = learned.
  • 3
    @Lahsen2016 Yeah, honestly the worst part is that I only get to see my daughter every Wednesday and every other Saturday now. The legal system in the United States really favors women when it comes to child custody.

    I've honestly gotten to the point where I'm enjoying being single again. I'd forgotten what it was like to not be nagged at lol
  • 0
    @Gogeta70 I am speechless :(
  • 1
    Why does this rant feel like a black mirror episode? Girl friend left and technology replaces her.
  • 1
    @-ANGRY-CLIENT- Life has its ups and downs. I'll keep working at it and things will get better. 👍
  • 1
    @Gogeta70 it is times like this we need big blue daddies watching us. If they can legally hear and know everything we do in our lives, we can use that data as proof. She wouldn't be able to pull that shit stunt.

    // Big blue daddies : Facebook, Google, Alexa, Windows, Apple (any electronic device that can spy on us)
  • 0
    @CurseMeSlowly Lol I suppose that's one point of view... Personally, I value my privacy. I try not to use privacy invading products or services. My android phone is pretty much the only exception. As such, I don't think the BBD's will be much help to me... 😞
  • 0
    This was just a rant bro, calm down, let's just chill and not be serious at a platform like this atleast. ❤ @Lahsen2016
  • 1
    @prat-i-k oh you are new. We are always ready to swear here 👀 totally calm.
  • 0
    Thanks to this rant, the self-aware AI with free will it's LOL :v
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