I am so fed up of operating systems debates.
What is that obsessive need that people have, to prove their choice of operating system is the best.
If someone wants to use Windows cool, if someone wants to use linux cool, if someone wants to use MacOS cool, if someone wants to use Chrome os cool. Just let them use whatever they want.
Don't fucking start a war for that shouting why so and so OS is good and bad.
Just fucking stop it.

  • 5
    Whats your stand on the IDE/Text editor debate or the slagging off of PHP, missing semicolons, sleep solved bug fixes, shit CSS jokes. These all crop up on devRant, with each batch of new members you get the same old shit debates, and it’s going to continue. I tend to join in with a small dose if sarcasm. Chill out and have some fun.
  • 4
    People talk about stuff u don't like welcome to the real world 8)
  • 0
    Nope you are wrong there are bad and good OS and debating is clearly a good thing.
  • 0
    @beegC0de ah actually people talk about thing I like. I use linux only from 3 years.
  • 0
    @py2js there is nothing like good or bad OS. Certain OSes are good for certain things.
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