Do you speak to yourself out load when coding?

  • 10
    Not all the time but when it happens the most common phrase is wtf???
  • 4
    I don't talk a lot while I code... ... but when I do, I say wtf
  • 1
    I swear a lot in Portuguese but all my colleagues only speak english
  • 5
    "speak out load", this typo is amazing. I will start using it
  • 1
  • 4
    I talked to myself so much that even in office I said fucking mother fucker is nt getting fixed on its own, and too a little loud.
  • 3
    Yes, when I fix a bug, I explain to me how I did it and why now its all working
  • 1
    Sure thing fella
  • 0
    No, and if you sit in the next cube I hate you.
  • 2
    Yep. I also throw (lightweight) stuff in fits of rage.
  • 1
    Yup helps me think.
  • 3
    My entire conversation with me when coding goes something like, "fuck. Fuck no fuck. Fucccckkkkkkkk."
  • 2
    I talk to myself quite a bit while coding. I like to consult geniuses when in doubt 😜
  • 1
    @FelisPhasma I also tend to tear up sticky notes into fine pieces when trying to solve a puzzling bug. (Don't worry, I ♻️)
  • 1
    Me and the other devs on my team sing to ourselves. Not full songs, just make a little jingle out of whatever you're writing.
  • 4
    Yes, also doing weird dance moves when solving bugs.
  • 0
    All....tha....time "what if..." is mostly asked
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