
We hAvE THaT beHinD a FiuRRWall sO it CAn be InSEcUre!

Motherfucker, I would bitchslap you to the moon for such a retarded opinion! Why would you ever want a single point of failure!

  • 3
    I think you've meant the opposite. Firewall indeed is the minimum amount of security tho. Feeling safe with just that is optimistic.
  • 3
    *people with a password manager sweating in the corner
  • 5
    Single point of failure...

    Okay, two firewalls?
  • 2
    All that corpos really need is a scapegoat. If the firewall was provided by someone who said it was “secure against all attacks” and that can be proven in court, they don't care.
  • 0
    @kiki It's not about security, it's about liability.
  • 1
    @ootwhere And how is the crappy game you're selling going to help with either of those?
  • 1
  • 0
    @jestdotty the trick is to add a yubikey as second factor + add a random word like apple at the end of every password and cypher it with ceasar cypher based on the first letter of the password generated by your manager. The random word is of course not stored in the manager
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