Dear Gfycat, why in the seven fucks do your direct links not work with lowercase letters?

https://gfycat.com/oblongobedientca... works just fine but https://giant.gfycat.com/oblongobed... crashes and burns because 3 letters in the user's name are uppercase?

Now I have to find a way to hack my way out of this bullshit in my app. Thanks, you cunts.

  • 0
    A lot of these services are case sensitive these days, even though the web really oughtn’t be.
  • 0
    Because gfycat runs on Apache and Apache runs on Linux and in Linux Steve is not the same as steve
  • 0
    @Brolls domains should be case insensitive, identifiers not right?
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    @Codex404 I believe the entirety of URL resolution should be case insensitive.
  • 1
    @Brolls hmm, even Google does it wrong while they fight for correct Internet usage by devs
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    I believe I read in an rfc once that urls are in fact allowed to be case sensitive, though i agree it is a bad practice.
  • 0
    @LucaScorpion so base64 is bad practice for YouTube links for example?
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