Everyday single day I have to give time for family, personal work and office. Prioritized in that order.

End result : low quality family time, pending personal projects. Office work - well that one is OK I guess cos the time is dedicated.

Solution : made a deal with wife - one day on weekend dedicated for family (she can plan anything she wants) and I will not do any work. Other day dedicated for my personal work/time (no family plans).
Divide weekdays similarly. On family days I checkout at sharp 4pm from office and come home straight spend the rest of the day with family alone. On the other days I stay either at office or go somewhere to work or hangout with dev buddies.
*Wife agrees*

End result: Quality family time. No interruption when coding (a dev would understand the importance of this). More productive work.

  • 8
    The importance of the 5/1/1 lifestyle...

    We all have to work 5 days per week (usually) so work late those days, work hard, sleep early, do well.

    1 day for family dedicated, with phone off, emails off etc.

    1 day for yourself, whatever that happens to be.

    Only way to stay sane.
  • 2
    I need to do this :<
  • 0
    Joining the club (:
  • 2
    where is the quality time with your wife? don't underestimate this!
  • 1
    here is mine,
    8am: kids left for school
    8am - 9am: quality time with wife
    9am - 7pm: work
    7pm - 9pm: kids, usualy homeworks :)
    9pm - 10pm: wife
    10pm - 0am: me
    weekend: family
  • 0
    @DataJockey me on weekdays after office I reach home around 5. After that in family days until around 10:30 it'll be dedicated to family.
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