
In an emergency, how would you communicate with friends and family? (No electricity*, no internet, no cell reception or landlines)

*No access to the electrical grid. Other sources are fine.

  • 5
    Well the scenario you seem to be describing is some apocalyptic scene. At that point, friends are the last thing I give a shit about. Priority becomes family. To that, I'd get in my car and try to track them down.
  • 1
    Hahaha, this was my life for a while. Apocalyptic is fitting, this was Hurricane Maria. Roads were blocked too so that option was out the window.

    I've thought of this for a long time since then. Best option I found while researching was to buy a ham radio.
  • 4
    I don't believe I will actually ... Too busy jumping that T-Rex over cactusses lol
  • 1
    That's why we need a decentralised internet
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