Got any experience using Windows?

Me: yesh

(Sorry for ugly photo)

  • 2
    Exactly what experience do you have *wink*?
  • 14
    Am I on Instagram rn?
  • 6
    *me: yes I support windows
  • 7
    Ok guys hold your horses 😁 don't ask her if she's single. Don't ask her Facebook / Instagram profile. Um what else? Lol 🀣
  • 2
    @Devnergy umm what is her Instagram and Facebook? Oh damn I did it xd
  • 2
    @SheShell haaa thanks :) I needs redoing! NEEDS BRIGHTERS
  • 4
    @teganburns status code 413
  • 1
    Nice hair!
  • 11
    > Make Photo and say you look ugly on it

    > Wait for comments saying you're not ugly

    Can you please not? This ain't Facebook or Instagram.
  • 1
    @teganburns GIRLLLL!!!!!!
  • 3
    @R5on11c judging people for not feeling confident with the way they look. Could you please not? lol I'm not really bothered, just wanted to make a windows joke. I'll remove the ugly bit if it makes you happy?
  • 1
  • 1
    @bashleigh Frankly i don't really care, it's just a very stereotypical move. Matter of fact is that you are perceived the way you Act.

    I am not judging people lacking confidence, but using certain, very obvious ways to boost your own ego and confidence is something very eyebrow-raising
  • 3
    @teganburns Maybe I should've returned 415? I'll ask my girlfriend
  • 1
    @R5on11c That wasn't my intention but I get you. I just don't want to offend you with my yellow teeth and giant nose lol
  • 0
    She will ask her girlfriend? Um? πŸ€”
  • 4
    The beginning of the comments got me crying in the train πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ€£ until someone had to spoil the joke complaining about someone seeking attention or whatever. Dude, if it bothers you that much, just leave without commenting. Geeeez
  • 3
    @bashleigh I am more of a man appreciating Humans in their actual form. Most standards of beauty are a simple concept that fits in a very small timespand and noone chose their looks at birth.

    If my personal opinion means anything to you: Neither the size of your nose nor the tone of your teeth comes across as unproportional or unfitting.

    Feel free to discard my opinion though, no one is obliged to deal with anyones moral standards or taste.

    To the rest of the white knights. The girl can talk for herself.
  • 1
  • 2
    @R5on11c It's cool, I've got my problems that I gotta deal with and tbh I don't give that much of a shit about them. I do side with you though but relax man :) Thanks though! But I do feel pretty crap but don't worry about it. I don't need picking up if you know what I mean?
  • 1
    Yay a fellow Brit πŸ‘‹
  • 1
  • 1
    I will just leave this here for the bashers to see 😎
  • 4
    hahaha WINDOWS!!!

    <wild xtreme bass-up XP start sound>
  • 4
  • 0
    @bashleigh I don't know but I don't like it, makes it hard to see my screen :(
  • 0
    *just have read comments*
    Huh. Well.
    Im the only one to pay attention to the joke itself (not-so-good, but i laughed) than anything else.

    Well, wheres my friggin prize?

    Edit:Feel like xkcd beret guy 0:v

  • 0
    A wild female appears, 🀷‍♂️.

    Glad to see you can use Windows.
  • 1
    Every App is a dating app if you're creative enough πŸ˜‰
  • 1
    @AlexDeLarge I was of course talking about apps with the feature of interacting with different users
  • 4
    @AlexDeLarge please don’t include weather apps, we might have a heat wave ahead of us.
  • 1
    Yeah, but can a mac support it?
  • 1
    @neodite do you fancy a cheeky nandos? XD
  • 3
    I saw the pic

    I was like "dayum πŸ‘ŒπŸ˜²"

    Then I was like "windows? Where's the relation to windows in this picture?"

    Seeing Bashleigh holding a window

    "Oh... πŸ˜‚"

    Brain priorities...
  • 0
    Do you know how to shut it down ? 😏
  • 1
    @bashleigh is there anything else?
  • 3
    Fuck you, now I miss my blue hair! (But now they are way to short...)
  • 0
    @ViRaS yea, tell my bitch arse junior to close it X'D
  • 1
    @Phlisg windows subsystem for linux yo :thumbs_up:
  • 0
    @neodite yea mate, pure bants init
  • 0
    @bashleigh oh god, let the inner chav escape you. You will feel better I promise :D
  • 0
    @neodite I drive a corsa VXR, the chav cannot escape me. I am the chav X'D
  • 0
    @bashleigh no! I refuse to believe it.
  • 1
  • 0
    @bashleigh Nooooooooo :( you just got that from a random person on your friends list didn't you :p
  • 0
    @bashleigh another Opel driver. I am a tad more old school in that regard. I drive an Opel Calibra.
  • 0
    @neodite yea pfft obs, I don't owe a 192 BHP VXR and makes whooshy noises with my turbo...
  • 0
    @R5on11c now that explains everything! X'D not sure what's going on with opel/vauxhall at the moment. Sounds like they're being sold to peugeot? Need to stock your parts X'D how much are your alloy center caps? I fancy some opel ones :p
  • 0
    @bashleigh but.... but... jap.
  • 0
    @bashleigh You ain't gettin my Rims gurl. I bought them from a guy with a Vectra for 100€ (since the Calibra shares Parts with the Omega and the Vectra).

    Opel seems to be bought up by Peugeot, that's correct. Though that's no matter for me since my car is from 1995 and it's parts aren't being produced for over a decade now.

    I'm just gonna buy a cheap non-functional calibra as a spare part repository, easy money easy life and spareparts for years!
  • 0
    @neodite jap what? X'D
  • 0
    @R5on11c dammnnnn over here they cost about £350 for a set of second hands. I've got the low profile 18 inch bastards...

    wish I had the time to buy dying cars and take them apart X'D Went to my friends garage yesterday to see his poor polo GTI. Completely gutted X'D wants to put it back together now lol
  • 3
    @Devnergy bit weird πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
  • 3
  • 3
    @Devnergy dude, honestly! Just don't! Realy, just don't. You won't get any brownie points so
  • 0
    There’s always one that seems to have the need to stalk social media 😞 @Devnergy
  • 0
    He's a not-so-secret admirer.
    Just sayin

    @bashleigh @Devnergy
  • 1
    Ok sorry about that post guys. Deleting it now
  • 0
    I like your hair 🀩!! You've got a good taste!!
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