  • 25
    What's wrong with nano 😭😭😭
  • 21
    I also use nano. for simple conf editing, It does what I need it to do.
  • 7
    Use vim
  • 6
  • 11
    @magicMirror @Teknas @Alice

    We are the Nano master race!
  • 1
    @RantSomeWhere Same
  • 3
    Nothing wrong with nano but vim is cooler than nano
  • 2
    I dont need one third of my screen showing me how to use my editor πŸ˜‚
    learn vim
  • 3
    I don't know nano. I only use vim. I had to Google how to save and exit in nano when it opened as a default editor in our Dev server lol.
  • 3
    I use nano all the time :)
  • 7
    @Devnergy it's written in the bottom when you open on nano
  • 2
    Fuck vim .. fuck Emacs .. GG nano ..
  • 0
    Everybody are welcome! :)
  • 5
    @Alice you use nano on your phone...
    Badass... πŸ˜‚
  • 1
    I use JuceSSH on my phone .. nano and byobu are my good old frnd..
  • 1
    and hackers keyboard on Android .. for obvious reasons
  • 0
    Once I started vim .. had to reboot ( joke ) .. I am the mouse Kanda guy .. UI UX matters to me ..and also never needed to work on remote system live code edit .. git pull always.. so fuck vim and fuck Emacs .. GG nano
  • 3
    I imagine people learned to use vim because they sometime ago opened it and didn't know how to quit, so they had to learn it and because they can use it, ever since they are thinking of themselves just like some kind of demigods. Yes I can vim, still I like nano.
  • 3
  • 1
    @Alice love it .. I am not the only one .. you are creative I have seen you many places on devrant .. :P
  • 3
  • 1
    @Alice the tab key on hackers keyboard allows me to auto complete for me .. cool eh ?
  • 1
    @BaconatorNoVeg cool shit
  • 0
    I bind ^S to save
  • 1
    if you like nano you cant vim πŸ˜‚ all you nano users might aswell use editor, whats the difference, except more screenspace? hahha wtf nano srsly
  • 2
    @simulate sure, I'm Jon Snow, and you know everything.
  • 0
    Termius plus nano
  • 1
    😒😒 now im just another vim fanboy, right? I havent heard a single reason to use nano on this entire post. anyone regularly using an editor should learn something sensible
    but what do I know, keep using arrowkeys then

    but please dont claim you know vim if you are making jokes about quitting it πŸ˜‚
  • 1
    @simulate So if I tell you that - among other reasons - people hate JavaScript is because it's painful to read at first, does that mean I cannot do JS, simply because I'm refering to a junior problem? Don't think so. It's just a matter of experience, once you get used to it, you have the chance to like it.. But that maybe won't happen. I might not be a vim expert, yes, I had to figure out how to quit for the first time I opened it, I agree. Even though I could use it for everything I use nano for, there's no real con against it, it's my preference to use nano. You do all your stuff in vim? Keep it up, I won't stop you. Fortunately we live in an era where we have choices, and if I don't want to use something, then I won't force myself against looking for an alternative.
  • 0
    @Alice @usethedocsluke
    Should I ask (explicitly)? Because I feel like that would turn out kinda awkward πŸ˜…
    Dont worry I won't, i dont need any cringe before bed
  • 1
    I use nano on my RasPi for basically everything, it's small, it's fast and it's already there on Raspbian πŸ˜‚ oh yea and it works over SSH just as well as locally.
  • 1
    @Devnergy ...nano literally has the instructions right at the bottom.
  • 0
  • 1
    @okkimus nope. we are the nano using monkeys, hacking away at conf files.
  • 1
    What's wrong with nano
    What's wrong with ed
    What the friggg with vim
    What the friggg with emacs


    I still can't understand
    Why the overloaded're prefered
    And the cleaner're taken away
    This is a very broken world
    For my little cute code (x3)
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