
Whenever you're feeling like you've had a hellish upbringing, remember what I've just found out about mine. that not only did my mother do acid and other drugs while pregnant with me, she also did it while breastfeeding me... As if beating and screaming my childhood away from me wasn't enough

  • 5
    let's no forget the endless afternoons under scorching backyard sun so she could do those things away from the house's prying eyes
  • 4
    If you haven't had such hellishness in your own life, please, take this to heart and for fuck sakes do not willingly do it to yourself
  • 3
    @kobenz I'm sorry that happened to u mate. I'd give you a hug. Some love

    Nobody deserve that shit
  • 2
    This explains lisp and vim 😂
  • 1
    @jestdotty as a general rule dont do drugs when pregnant, dont spike women drinks and don't dose people who don't or cant consent.
  • 2
    @jestdotty you're welcome. Call me Artie, capt'ain is only my middle name
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