
What you choose between vim or nano?

My Choice: Nano

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    I thought nano was the text-editor to change sources.list so you could install a neovim.
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    @bjorngi nice one 😂👍
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    I stay with my beloved, idiot-safe nano editor :D No offense
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    Whats nano? 😜
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    nano, I'm too scared to open vim
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    Nano, simple and fast and happy.
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    @hcaz if you open vim without any parameters, it opens the how-to. It's pretty straightforward once you memorize the commands. I enjoy it. I find myself hitting ESC :w when in other editors, though.
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    @sheeponmeth and me sometimes hit esc in every editor 😅
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    I would use NANO if the line scroling would work the same, for example it shouldnt break the line if you reach the end... So i use vim.
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    @sheeponmeth that's a good point I've heard it's well documented, I just feel I've gone so long without it now haha. I'll check it out when I get a free minute :)
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    @hcaz Check it out when you get a free hour or two. It takes time to build a vim workflow. I'm still a newb and figuring things out despite having used it for a couple's months now.
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    @sheeponmeth I'll give it ago over the weekend then, but I'm blaming you if vim makes me cry:P
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