Have you tried chatgpt's text-to-speech feature?
It’s so much better than anything that I tried before. You can even choose different "personalities" or tones or whatever.

I‘d even say that it‘s perfect. I can’t think of anything that could be improved in terms of how well it pronounces words and puts emphasis on specific words. It’s 100% natural sounding.

  • 3
    We tried but the used elevenlabs for that.
  • 5
    Yeah, I'm saying that to people for month now. I use it to reflect on myself by uploading my recent achievements / keylogdata. The newer advanced voice is not available for that, but the presuccesor also want bad, you can also interrupt that one. If I see how attached we are to snekkie and how good this voice stuff is, I'm sure that we will have AI friends in the future. I mean, is in someway an AI friend super reliable? You can configure yourself how rude or sensitive it is. It's a solution for extroverts.

    Absolutely not comparable but the calling functiom of openwebui is fun too. OpenAI has a limit of a hour or so. I have reached it.

    It's an amazing time to live, it's a new era.

    Oh, btw, many don't know, but replika also had quite impressive phone calls but sadly replica is made stupid om purpose to be a normal human. No programming talk with her. Replika was once amazing tech buy then they switched to gpt 3.. Before they had real own model.
  • 5
    @retoor I think the main target of "AI friends" will be the lonely introverts than extroverts. There is real loneliness epidemic going on and a lot of (younger) people crave social contact or something that looks like it.
  • 4
    @wojtek322 Something that apparently lead to the emergence of the 'Professional Cuddler' job.

    Apparently that's a thing.



    I am reminded of the 'Big Bang Theory' episode in which Leonard is reminiscing about him as a child building a robot for hugs.
  • 1
    Imagine, that POS Hawking could have sounded like a real person.

    Also, here is a song Hawking did years ago:

  • 0
    @lastNick its still tricky to do expressiveness with that. How do you do different emotions? I could do some, but it was a pain.
  • 2
    I don't like natural bot speech cuz I can't tell it's a robot and that creeps me out...

    to be fair my standard for humans to sound human is pretty low. a lot of people "talk like bots" I guess and I didn't want to judge them before, but I guess now I feel uncomfortable about having viewed them as human when they spoke so "perfectly" and also soullessly...
  • 1
    @D-4got10-01 "Leonard is reminiscing about him as a child building a robot for hugs."

    I didn't think a single sentence could rip a mans heart right out, but here it is.
  • 0
    Orpheus just released and from looking over the demo and examples it has very believable emotional intonations.

    Also had a few monologues with natural speech models that were remarkably believable.

    One was so striking, the familiarity of it nagged the fuck out of me. Then I placed it. It was almost the exact same experience I had while watching Her, even a similar voice and personality.

    She even ordered a hooker for me.

    And I was just like, bitch, how the fuck did you get my credit card?
  • 1
    @Demolishun our application doesn’t need emotions 😛
  • 0
    @Wisecrack It was a good episode. He mentioned that his dad used to borrow that robot.

    ...which says a lot about the mother.
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