How to respond to the "How do you rank yourself in technology X on a scale from 1 - 10"?

What is 10? Why are recruiters and interviewers asking such questions?

  • 3
    10 = expert.

    Yes, expert is honestly an undefinable term. But it's a term.

    Ask yourself, what do I see as an expert?

    Then ask "am I an expert?"

    If you say yes, then you're a 9 or 10.

    Are you a junior? You're probably 5-6.

    Are you a new/beginner? 1-3.

    Fill in the gaps as you see necessary.
  • 2
    @Stuxnet 100% agree

    Why I take issue with this question stems exactly from the gap between what I define as an expert and what the next guy sees as one...

    I've also met devs that rank themselves 9 and every bloody stand up they say "this is taking a little longer than i expected"...
  • 6
    I put down a one. Gotta stay humble.
  • 4
    I fucking hate this question... There are times I'm a 10 and others I'm a - 10 in the same language 😥
  • 0
    @r0b0t Love your honesty 👍👍

    On most days I'm a Grad before coffee, Journeyman after lunch and only soar after everyone else has gone home 😀
  • 0
    Ask for 10 sided dice to roll
  • 2
    Say 10 to everything. What are they going to say in response? "No way, you lying bitch!"?

    I think not.

    Stupid question deserves stupid answer.
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