Hi everyone!

New to this app, and new to my PHP programer job .

Which types of projects/tutos can I do to increase my level quickly??

Greetings from France!

  • 2
    Welcome to devr

    I hate php, but laracast videos were really informative when i had to catch up on php/laravel stuff
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    I'd recommend laracast too, but try to understand WELL what you're doing with php before diving into laravel's tutorials.

    For exemple, follow the course « the php praticioner », and use the result to create a little project, you can find free mysql database on the web, download it and make your project around

    Now, good luck!
  • 3
    Welcome to devRant and good luck in your PHP ventures.

    First of all give this a good read over

    You’ll also want to learn and adhere to coding standards, a lot PHP tutorials tend to ignore these and you’ll learn how to make spaghetti before writing clean and coherent code.

    Also since your starting out, learn how to test your code early on otherwise it takes a lot of adjusting mentally to be able to build projects that can be tested, especially if you start with spaghetti.

    Once you have a good idea of the language, use frameworks if they work for your needs, Laveral, symphony will do most things for you, I tend to stay native personally but my work demands constant change which I can’t afford to fight a framework to make the necessary changes.

    Don’t be fooled into thinking a framework will prevent bad code, it doesn’t. Only you can do that but I’d recommend using one before backing into native only as they do a lot of things for you out of the box.
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    Keep in mind that while you can probably learn and increase your technical level by reading, the experience and real life application come with trial and error. I found the non technical parts the most challenging. Try working on the entire spectrum and not only the dry "how to write this" level
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    Un petit Hello World de Grenoble
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    Hi all!
    Thanks for all these advices that gave me a plan to follow for learning this language the right way. I'll give ya some news ASAP!

    Nice w.e to all,
    Salut Maartz je suis de Marseille moi!
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    @rslow777 hooo ! Je bois justement un petit Ricard !
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    @Maartz làaaaa on va bien s'entendre.

    In my city Marseille we can become friends if we drink our local world know best alcohol in the world, PASTIS
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