
An old favorite that came to mind when someone mentioned C in the recent void post.

On a semi-related note, are there any modern languages that *aren’t* C-based?

  • 3
    On an aside, it just doesn’t feel like Dilbert anymore since Scott modernized the dress code...
  • 2
    Ah, if only he'd said "What if you program in D?" D is a great language.

    Most functional programming languages, they're based on lambda calculus, fundamentally different from C's model of computation. Haskell, Erlang, F#, OCaml, SML, Idris, etc.

    C might be used in their implementation though. Eg. Haskell is self hosting (compiler is written in Haskell) but the runtime has a ton of C code.
  • 2
    Popular languages that I use, that have very little, or nothing to do with C:
    Most procedural SQL dialects,
  • 0
    Clojure (your programs will have no bugs and be really fast), Scala (scales horizontally as fucking hell), Erlang (the most reliable one, just doesn’t fail)
  • 1
    Also applied ones: R, MatLab, Python (come on, it’s a new Perl), also Perl itself, Bash and other shells
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    Also query languages: SQL, CQL, other ones I don’t know. And several exotic ones like Nim
  • 0
    All modern languages are written in C, or C++ if the team was lazy.
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