
What the fuck is up with all these vpn articles. It seems like they are everywhere. It's like get this vpn, no buy this one, wait no buy this one. Like I don't need a fucking vpn and it's not a must have.

  • 1
    It is when you live in a third world country and every useful app is region locked to be unavailable in those countries.
    Also if you want to see series and movies using legitimate sites without pirating because apparently they are region locked too.
    Also those half-assed youtibe channels who thinks it is a good idea to region lock their videos.
    Also governments like the one in China (large fraction of the whole world's population) where everything is locked out and you can even google shit without using a workaround.
    Need I go on?
    The ads are there for a reason. When there is high demand for something, the ads are sure to follow.
  • 1
    @CatMDV im not trying to bash the usefulness of a vpn, I agree that it's insanely useful but there are all of these news sites who are being sponsored to sell a vpn company. What really bugs me is when companies say lifetime vpn for 50$ because we all know that's BS.
  • 0
    Indeed. Lifetime is a subjective word. As in, how long they plan to keep that service or that specific package online. Similar to lifetime warranty on hardware, where "lifetime" = maximum operation years (typically 5 - 10 years).
  • 0
    And you what else is interesting? Tunnelb... uh Freshboo.., uh, Private Internet Access

    *drops mic*
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