After refusing to work over 40 hours a week and refusing to work last Sunday, today I was fired. It's been the 2nd time in my life and it's been the same deal: totally unrealistic timelines and totally unrealistic work expectations.

No big loss. Fuck that place.

  • 2
    Would they have paid for overtime?
  • 16
    Never understood firing someone for not working overtime. You need people to work overtime because you have more work than can be done by your existing workforce, so reducing the size of your workforce seems like a bad idea.
  • 1
    @pionell No. Salary Exempt. Everyone was working for free, and occasionally a bonus.
  • 0
    @Jilano Chicago. This is a super weird tech market. I've written about it here:


    You got an email or Mastodon address?
  • 4
    It's not easy. IT employees are treated like slaves these days. I hope you find a better place to work.
  • 1
    Good for you man

  • 1
    That's a shame to hear. I used to live in the Chicago area and considered coming back for work but the stories I've heard are putting me off a bit
  • 1
    @R0bby can't compare apples and oranges

    You have to compare living standards (your pay vs. country average vs. stuff you can buy vs. how much living costs, etc..) in each countries instead.

    example: I'm getting less money than my US colleagues, but they provide me comfortable life in our country, while my US colleagues sometimes struggle to pay for the basics.
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