
I'd say everything PS Vita related. From the emulator, Vita3K, to all the work by TheFl0w. I have followed the scene for so long now that I'm just neck deep in it.

  • 1
    @mrtn It's been killed by Sony a long time ago. Killed, as in "no products arriving in stores for 2016 and 2017 black Fridays".

    But the scene is still very active. Maybe more active than ever.

    (I mean the hacking scene, of course)
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    @mrtn They probably are gonna give you money to have it :P

    There are things you have to know before buying one though
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    It's TheFloW, not TheFl0w. I'm a dumbass.
  • 0
    Vita and firmware downgrading, pfuuuh, I had my Vita for 2 weeks at launch, drained it in Coca-Cola.. disassembled the bitch and gave up on reassembly.. Would love to get one of the second gen, which is on the correct version, but alas, yet to find one...
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