  • 7
    "Officially" there are 48 or something like that. I wouldn't suggest starting this discussion here though as as per recent experience this would lead to flaming from those of third gender.
  • 7
    @arazzz . Wait, according to that enum, "GENDERLESS" is the third gender. So, you're telling me null != null? I understand now. Apparently, gender was binary until javascript became popular.
  • 2
    2018 called, problem solved
  • 3
    Well, there are two sexes, as for every others animals. But yes, humans are bored so.. they invent things like that.

    I actually know the difference between a sex and a gender, thanks you castrated triggered morons, just a free and pleasant provocation.
  • 1
    @Jakuho dude what?
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    as a trans (so im in that kinda community), to hell with them. Just make them choose penis or vagina, it's simply the best thing to do.
  • 2
    @Proximyst unfortunately we cannot just simply make people or things do things. If we had that ability, the world wouldn't be so fucked and my code wouldn't be so buggy.
  • 1
    @ssync Why not? Tonnes of other sites do. Just list 2 genders.
  • 1
    Yes there is, but you spelled 'stupid' wrong
  • 0
  • 4
    @Proximyst It's nice to see that there are trans people who want to keep it simple.(:

    This whole gender fluid thing seems weird to me. On one hand, let them do what they want, you know? Live and let live.
    But it's unfair to demand me to keep up with their virtual reality they created themselves.

    Honestly now, this might sound extremely conservative, stupid and mean.. but gender fluid people were either loved too much or not enough and/or are just bored..
    Not talking about boys in girls or girls in boys here. I'm talking about the pronoun-demanding shorthaired girls who still want to be a "she" but want you to ask for it.
    For gods sake (no, that's not my motivation, I'm an atheist) what the heck is this bullshit. That's like cutting your arm off and being pissed at people because they won't help you to climb stairs. This analogy sounds weird eh? CUS THIS WHOLE THING IS THAT. WEIRD MAN.
  • 0
    They can do what they want but please leave me out of this. I don't tell them about my virtual house in minecraft either..
  • 3
    *climbs onto lofty pedestal* Gender is on a spectrum. As such, gender should be on volume bar widget thingy.

    M - - - - - - - o - - - F

    But some might argue that the spectrum is on multiple axes. Add axes "genitals", and "sexual preference" to aforementioned axis.

    I / o
    I /
    3 orthogonal axes forming a 3D space and a little wee knob for the positioning of one's gender/sexual affliation.

    But let's not stop there.
    Let the users add and label their own axes up to a max of 16 axes.
    There. No more complains.

    Protip: you don't really have to do stuff with all the information. Just record it somewhere. You'll get back to data sciencing it later.
  • 0
    @trollonaboat now that's the spirit
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    I see pokemon.ts
    I suppose that your working on a Pokemon game/program.
    Since your a the coder, and your game/programs isn't suppose to reflect reality, you fix the rules of your game/program
    So if you want it, there is just 3 gender in your game/program.
    Your code, your world, your rules.
    Problem solved πŸ™‚
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