
Agree with bill?

  • 24
    Bill should actually die shocking on a big black veiny hiv infected transexual' cock.

    Comment your fucking code.
  • 11
    bill is a fucking cunt
  • 18
    I bet Bill wears a beanie even during the summer like a fucking hipster and thinks people care about his pictures of his laptop with bullshit code that he posts on Instagram.
  • 1
    Too much hate for bill, bill hates you too
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    @Stuxnet hahahaha i like this thought
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    If a code was hard to wright/read he maybe need to be refactored to something more simple/clear no ? 🤔
  • 3
    Fuck you bill.. fuck you
  • 1
    Fuck that bitch ass nigga called Bill the fucking Billy Boy aids condom who is used by dumbfucks who happen to be his managers.
    Fuck you, Bill! Die already, you moron!
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  • 2
    What an absolute cunt @rehman is. I mean, Bill...

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    @telephantasm yea that was remaining 🙄
  • 8
    Kill Bill
  • 3
    Bill must die
  • 3
    Fuck Bill
  • 4
    Not commenting your code is correct. A good software engineer is capable of producing code that is clear enough to not warrant comments, with few exceptions.
  • 3
    @fdgram R. Martin said the same thing in Clean Code, and I always thought it was bullshit. If you don't understand why there's a downcasting at certain line of code without reading a comment, sure, kill yourself, you suck at programming. But, if you don't understand why different datasources are being queried in some use case that doesn't require it, you do need that comment because it's business related, needing it is not a "failure" and the dumbass who left that bit uncommented IS failing.
  • 0
    FUCK NO. grow the fuck up.
  • 2
    @telephantasm Indeed, hence "few exceptions". What most these people refer to by "commenting code", is the "how"-type comments and docblocks.
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    @fdgramm if you work somewhere where the codebase has some shitty parts then you need to comment a lot on why you had to do something in a stupid way because that's just how the shitty API works.
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    @Terrestrial do you have craftedin acc too?
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    A month from now Bill will look at his own code and think "what the fuck did I do here, how does it work?"

    Remember kids, you are not documenting for other people but your future self.
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    @Stuxnet bahahahaha 🤣
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    My name is Bill....
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    @Jakuho Unrelated, but could you not use transsexuality as an insult? Thanks
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    @Proximyst he mention himself transsexual in profile description
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    @Proximyst true that was a bit misplaced, but if I consider Bill as a stupid, I can say that he's taking it as an insult, just a point of view.
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    @Proximyst so i guess bill is more intelligent who doesn't even care about what being said :p
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    @Jakuho It's just that it's not nice to those affected reading it. No worries :p
    @rehman Whether an inanimate character cares or not doesn't matter; there are quite the few transes here, including myself, who might take it as a bad thing, and it is still in a majority of the world a negative to be trans. Let's not make it worse, shall we?
    @segfault0xff Because it's insulting transes by being used in such a way. There are some degrees to which this actually matters in how bad the insult is, and this is one of those. This isn't like calling some formula gay, but rather hits one of the things the M2F "variant" of trans one despises of oneself.
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    @Proximyst ahh what i meant was he himself mention that he's trans so maybe the intention wasn't as such insult
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    @segfault0xff people are too political correct these days
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    @rehman I pay it no mind.. not worth the effort.
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    Kill Bill.
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    @brano88 bill thinks he's not
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    @brano88 bill thinks its not
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