In our databases lesson, we are going to use Microsoft SQL Server throughout the year.

This shit's setup fails at random, doesn't even start (empty error box??????) on some machines, and when it, uh, works, kinda, it's a convoluted mess.


  • 3
    Yep, it's an enormous bag of mammouth' shit.
  • 4
    But it runs on Linux. And in Docker. You should have just ran it in a Docker container.

    Or install a real database like MS Access
  • 3
    My condolences.
  • 0
    try to use docker
  • 0
    Never had any issues, neither local nor in Docker. And I use it on a daily basis.
  • 1
    I found your problem, its the "microsoft" in the microsoft sql server
  • 1
    @vane Docker won't help me deal with the MSSQL being absolutely ridiculous.
  • 1
    @filthyranter But it skips the bad setup experience. Sure the rest of the experience is still bad, SSMS still sucks, but you can start from a working instance.
  • 0
    @filthyranter how sow you can use volumes so expose your disk to your mssql data directory and version your changes to the database, don’t install m$ shit to your computer
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