

  • 16
    If I cringe any more my body will probably self-intersect.
  • 1
  • 7
    I will never love anyone who omits the curly braces in only some of the if-else branches and uses them in the other branches.
  • 3
    No tabs or spaces to separate while and main.

    No curly on some of ifs

    Spaces inside of argument paranthesis.

    No std.

  • 2
    You didn't get it there is a deeper meaning:

    Since it won't even compile it means you won't ever find love in your life
  • 0
    Rant is the title as we all are up for that and can see for https://awriter.org/awritercom/ so i hope this can be really of a great guideline in the days that were waiting for us so if you think this will be of some need in the following days of research then add a bit more about this topic.
  • 0
    So lonely
  • 0
    This page provides

    everyone with guidance on how to live morally, despite its flaws.
  • 0
    How solitary
  • 1
    many thanks!
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