To build a machine as shown in 'Person of interest'.

P.S. If you are hearing Person of Interest for the first time, put it on top of your tv series watchlist. You will not regret it.

  • 5
    As long as you build The Machine and not Samaritan 🧐
    Otherwise I’m going to have to send @Root in .
  • 2
    If you ever do, put me on the team.
  • 4
    If you don't include me, I'll have to kill you.
  • 2
    @Root You will be always there in my system. I don't have to include you explicitly.
  • 1
    @ilPinguino Sure :) Just one condition, The code will never go open source. I don't want Samaritan!
  • 2
    Holla at your boy when you start. This I can get behind
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