  • 12
    For me, my tabs are all three above combined, times ten, regardless of any scenario
  • 1
    So long as it comes from research on Norway, you can put it in any homework assignment and expect an A.
  • 28
    and when you.. you know
  • 0
    Firefox's uncomfortable spacing to the left and right of the address bar and not using compact density bothers me a lot. Is this just me?
  • 0
    @lazyDev dude, get Tor. You don't want the NSA freeloading off your... Um you know what I mean. 😉
  • 1
    @DrPitLazarus You can remove the spaces very easily (I did that myself directly after the update).
    But I know a lot who like the spaces because they prevent them to click on the wrong things.
  • 1
    You homework is about Norway?
  • 0
    Option 1) you're a real PRO
    Option 2) you're a liar
  • 1
    I usually have all the tabs open :D
    For programming it's usually a mix of the reference documentation for the language and included libraries(if I am working on an assignment in C), SO and wikipedia because algos... and a mix of books in pdfs and reference docs/javadocs if I'm working on my own projects or something for a client
  • 0
    When I am bored I often read wikipedia articles tbh and listen to music at the same time. Or I am gaming xD
  • 0
    Stack overflow – more like tab overflow...

    ... I'll see myself out.
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