Pro tip for all you who struggle to complete your side projects:

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    So, stuff that isn't fun, or not started yet, won't ever be worked upon...?
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    and if the item that's most fun is the closest to being done, we can have a half day
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    @xewl Why would someone do side project which isn't fun?
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    @hitzoR Cuz not everything on a sideproject's fun? (:
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    @xewl think in terms of if you're having an ever increasing amount of side projects that never get finished, this is a valid strategy to distribute your time among projects to ensure you finish some of them. Not necessarily a good strategy for single items/stories within the projects themselves.
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    @disolved Though it'll never finish by abiding this strategy. The world isn't Black OR White. It's all kinds of RGB...
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    @xewl im not making any black or white statements here. You are: («... never finish...») Not really sure what you're trying to say, but I think you need to read my comment again.
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    @disolved the picture is, and you're defending it xD
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    @xewl I think you're still misunderstanding the point. The point is not to finish all your side projects, but to finish some of them. Allocating time between projects using this strategy will make it more likely that you finish something at some point, even if you keep starting new projects all the time, because of the point on the right. The point on the left is ment to keep you motivated to continue. Again, I'm not talking about finishing individual parts of a single project here. You are right, not all parts of a project is fun. But if that project is the one that is closest to completion, you just do it anyways because of the point om the right.
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    @disolved I can agree with that. Good job.
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