Sooo my friend asked my to become more active on steam and i did something about it! I'm going to be become the most activities steam user!

  • 40
    That's actually a good idea 😂

    I would do that, but I'd just have thousands of hours in vim. I tend to just keep everything open when I go to sleep/school so I can pick up where I was. Currently on my laptop I have three vim windows open, one for an HTML source, one for CSS, one for JavaScript. They've been open for...a week now? And I've barely done anything with them the past few days, been busy with life.

    Also I do want to say that this should be in the jokes/memes category. I'm glad it isn't, cause I filter those and I really like this, but that would be the correct tagging for this post.
  • 10
    Also another thing. I tend to keep my vim windows open while I actually play games. So I guess my Steam would say I'm playing vim and CS:GO 😂
  • 6
    The sad part is steam do not track the time only last played...

    Ps: Oh dang you are right.. But i can't edit this rant anymore only delete it..
  • 4
    I can't stop laughing now, damn it.
  • 6
    @Charon92 YE I KNOW IT IS AMAZING!!
  • 1
    Does the in-game overlay work in any of them?
  • 2
    @tbodt yes. But the shortcut might conflict.
  • 7
    @taigrr :o I wanna see a screenshot of the steam overlay in intellij lmao
  • 2
    @infernalempress I think it qualifies as a rant/story because OP's friend bugged them into doing it
  • 2
    @svgPhoenix That's fair. Like I said, I'm pretty glad he didn't put it in that category because I wouldn't have seen it then.
  • 1
    @infernalempress I wouldn't have either lol
  • 3
    I should check and see if you can do this on Linux. The irony of the whole thing.
  • 5
    "Currently playing: VIM - sandbox, adventure, retro, escape simulator".
  • 11
    IM WOKE:

    Steam Streaming IDE to friends 😮


    Upload "save games" to the cloud! FREE PRIVATE GITHUB!
  • 3
    Achievement Unlocked!
  • 1
    @tbodt maybe someone who still uses intellij (or steam for that matter) will be nice enough, to upload a screenshot, but it definitely worked for me back when I used Windows
  • 1
    Love this <3 Also gonna start doing this.
  • 1
    500+ hours played 🤔
  • 0
    is anything bound to shift+tab
  • 1
    the first time I came across this productivity loophole, I was like "da hell is Jo doing in game time"
  • 0
    I guess I’ll use this trick on my employees, this way I can track their productivity times, and know what software helps their productivity the most... luv it!
  • 2
  • 1

    Also my Steam ID is the same as on here I think
  • 0
    @infernalempress have Not played that thing in 2 years, but recent updates are attractive AF.
  • 0
    @infernalempress you sir, have the makings of a DB Admin
  • 0
    Just found this. Anyone have an idea how to do this? Fucking love it. Is it even possible?
  • 1
    @Rud156 Yes it is! Here is an tutorial how to do it explained by steam themselves. https://support.steampowered.com/kb...
  • 0
    I'm a steam user, too!
  • 0
    @infernalempress you use vim for web-dev?? WOAH!!
  • 0
    @inhamul normally I use the element inspector in Firefox to tweak be code and see real time results, then write all the code in vim
  • 0
    @infernalempress it's Firefox Dev (love the Dev tools on this) and VS Code for coding (I love linting and auto-beautify)!!
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