
I just know where and how to search.
Does that make "NOT REAL PROGRAMMER" ?

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    Depends.. IMO a programmer should know his/her languages. However, frameworks & libraries are a different thing, there are so many that you have no chance of knowing all of them. But only one set of them will only qualify for one specific job.
    So IMO it’s ok to be a “searcher” regarding to everything around a language.
  • 5
    In my opinion, knowing where to find information is as important as knowing the information itself. I worked in an IT Support call center for two years, and like 80‰ of the job was just discovering which magic keywords would get a useful result when searching our archaic knowledge base.
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    @EmberQuill you mean percent, not per mille, right? 😄
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    Only if you use nano

    But seriously though googling things is like 80% of the job and I'm pretty sure it's not *all* you know how to do
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    There was these threads on twitter where big names in programming said they search for mundane things wile coding. Some of them were searching for stuff they made themselves. So yeah.
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    I have very strong memory for abstract ideas but I just can’t memorize any raw data like numbers, constants, dates and so on. So I’m literally googling things like language syntax and api calls every time I code, and I’m a senior developer.

    Feel free to flip off anyone who’s telling you that you’re not good at programming for just googling things. Google was built for that purpose after all.

    That claims are aimed to make use of an impostor syndrome and they’re a sadly common technique used by unethical PMs just to make you feel worse than you actually are. It called “gaslighting” and if you’re weak enough mentally, professional gaslighter can possibly enslave you. Be careful

    I’d quit right away tbh, maybe even stabbed him if I felt like it and then quit.
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    That's half the battle, yes.

    What you choose to do with the search results more closely indicates your ability as a real programmer
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    The difference between a real and a non-real programmer is if you open the first ten search results you get in new tabs or not.
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    Thanks everyone!!! I feel better already.
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    A good programmer should be able to look at code regardless of language and derive what its doing
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    It's ok to be a searcher, but not to be a copycat. IMO at least.
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    @melezorus34 So is searching up pseudocode or whatever and translating it into the language you need searching or copying? :P
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    @filthyranter I searched for websocket examples but I didn't used that code as a whole.
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