
When you just want to reply to an email request with "What the FUCK am I supposed to do with this?"

  • 3
    So happy to be 100% remote. Almost everything is email or chat... At least I can type "what the fuck..." before erasing and writing something business savvy. Get me in a room with the same twat and I'll likely get hauled into HR
  • 5
    Vague requests are the bane of my existence. Someone sent in a request: "Need python libs automation in dev"


    Which libs? Automation of what? Installation? On what server? For what purpose? You have root access, why don't you do it yourself? What project is this for?

    Sent him a list of questions like this, and I kid you not, the reply was: "I do not know to which project you are referring. Can you clarify?"

    I'm tempted to just cancel the ticket with the note "I don't know anything about this ticket and neither does the person who submitted it."
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