
Fuck you college degree.

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    @SukMikeHok I didn't go for a CS degree - too much boring math. :-)
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    @Fast-Nop what did you go for
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    @SukMikeHok Electrical Engineering. Also a lot of math, but more practical.
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    @Fast-Nop and u are now a developer ?
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    @SukMikeHok yes, embedded systems. You see a lot of EE folks in this domain and few CS. That's because debugging with an oscilloscope is normal (I even have one at home) and you need to understand the hardware schematics. And for a side project, also a little web dev.
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    Debugging with scope can be tricky due to strange circuit behaviors and connection issiues.
    Debugger is more relaible 😉
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    @Gregozor2121 In my experience, it's the other way around. The scope shows you the truth, and it doesn't impede the timing. Plus that I've often worked with targets where there was no source level debugger available.
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    iT DoSeNT iMPeDe TImiNg

    Oh boy welcome to the world of RF
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    @Gregozor2121 well yeah, if you attach the tips in a place with slope steepness and stuff, then yes - but so far, I've not had this for software debugging. Debugging hardware is another issue. ;-)
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    @Gregozor2121 Tell me about weird hardware behavior... Flashed an ESP 2866 in an Arduino UNO form factor with my code. EasyDriver does not work, osmelloscope shows signal on DIR pin going all over the place. Flashed the same code onto a fake Arduino UNO from China, works perfectly fine, osmelloscope shows rock solid signal on DIR pin. I still have no idea what happened as the WiFi of the ESP was turned off so it could not have caused this weirdness.
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    1.Did you change your code?
    I dont think those two boards are compatible.
    Different microcontrolers have different regiesters and shit did you set you complier target right?
    Did you read the documentation?
    2.Do you have the newest bootloader on both of them? (might not make a difference)
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    @Gregozor2121 NO, I did not change anything, that's why it is weird. I am using the Arduino IDE, no need to mess with compiling C... I have no idea what version of bootloader they are using and I have no way to change it :)
    The ESP 2866 is a WeMos D1, the documentation is practically non-existent and the same goes for "NHduino UNO" and the fake EasyDriver. BUT using documentation for the official boards I don't see what could go wrong. The only thing I have to change when I switch the boards is the 3V/5V solder jumper on the EasyDriver as the WeMos D1 uses 3.3V logic and the Arduino clone uses 5V logic(it is still an Atmel chip).
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    Arduino studio has ability to reprogram the bootloader.

    PS. There IS A need to recompile cuz arduino is just a fancy wrapper for c and if you want to put the same code on a different microcontroler arduino studio has to use different libs, that is why you have to change the target as well.
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    Why? What happened?
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