How I survived this semester of college

  • 24
    your poor heart 😲
  • 22
    That's not healthy
  • 4
    At least I feel u. Writing my thesis at the moment and I would die without caffeine. From time to time i have to consume energys as well :/
  • 4
    @Stuxnet over a semester it’s meh
  • 2
    @RocketSurgeon yea you can fuck off with that
  • 6
    Ah, sugar disguised as caffeine.
  • 5
    In my college days, 2 BFC monsters a day during the week. Don't miss it.
  • 8
    That's it?
  • 3
    You collected all of these for the rant?
  • 3
    Well, I don't think this is something you should be proud of
  • 6
    A semester has like 3/4 months if I'm not wrong.

    So we have like 90/120 days.

    Let's say 100 days average.

    Your count is not even hundreds.

    Don't worry, keep drinking.

  • 2
    I am immensely pleased that that coke-addled dipshit who calls women "bitches," and men, "bros," and who additionally enjoyed hitting women who attempted to rebuff his unwelcome advances had not yet successfully marketed energy drinks to any channels of mass distribution when I was in college, because I think that had they existed, I was probably just stupid enough to consume them in those days.
  • 1
    IE: energy drinks are the fucking great satan.
  • 0
    @bahua yes Satan is cool :3
  • 6
    I spontaneously feel my teeth rotting away 😬
  • 2
    Try coke with mate. I just recently found out about that, and that’s some other caffeine (in my imagination at least) in it, which actual gives me some awakeness (is that a word?)
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  • 5
    I remember being addicted to those and having heart palpitations one day in the middle of class. Quit cold turkey and these days I think they taste like battery acid and couldn't drink them if I had to. Yep. Life is much better now that I am a coffee zombie instead 😁 my body is 99% caffeine at this point.
  • 9
    This is so bad for you. You need variety in your diet.

    There's the red one, and orange and even a purple one now.
  • 4
    @bahua monster ultra is sugar free
  • 1
    @linuxxx no sugar in monster ultra
  • 6
    Next episode: "How I survived diabetes and major heart diseases"
  • 1
    I think I can smell that weird monster scent till here
  • 1
    The real question is, how you survived to that?
  • 1
    Those are only 39. 9 think he'll be fine
  • 7
    1. There's no sugar in this

    2. The amount of caffeine in this is not that bad, it's like two espressos.

    I used to drink more than 2L (8-16 cans of sugar free red bull every day)...

    You don't get diabetes or cancer, most people's hearts will be fine...

    But long term it IS very tough on the stomach -- you can fuck up your digestion system pretty badly with >250ml per day, because with or without sugar it's a very acidic fluid.

    You will produce no stomach acid at some times, food coming out nearly undigested. At other times, you'll wake up in the middle of the night, puking acid and bile. This can suddenly start at any moment during your binge, and need months to restore after going cold turkey, because your stomach doesn't heal that easily.

    So... please do me a favor, switch to coffee or tea.

    And at the very least, drink twice as much water as you drink caffeinated drinks & sodas, to dilute the acidity.
  • 2
    @bittersweet agreed. Even with coffee and tea, keeping your water intake higher is very important.
  • 3
    @bittersweet the voice of reason
  • 3
    @jeeper Yeah there is a reason espresso is often served with a glass of water on the side in coffee bars -- It's delicious, but it dehydrates you.

    I made a rule for myself that after drinking anything that is not water, I have to drink 3 glasses of water until I'm allowed to drink any coffee/coke/etc again.
  • 2
    @bittersweet how do you get drunk like that? 🤔

    Or wait you don't get drunk at all?
  • 1
    @irene good idea, but unfortunately my project is not really realizable in 3 nights I guess. Especially the theory - part is a bunch of nonsense I have to relate to.
  • 1
    @irene its about role playing games with integrated sketch-based interaction based on procedurally generated levels and content. Engine is Unity though ^^ fortunately only 2D
  • 1
    @irene it only has to be a prototype though, but the theoretical part is the real problem here ^^
  • 3
    @bittersweet good rule plus sometimes you don’t need caffeine, your are just feeling lousy because you’re dehydrated.
  • 2
    @cursee I get drunk by counting the bottle of cognac as "1 glass", then flushing it down with 3 glasses of water before opening the next bottle.
  • 1
    @bittersweet @M1sf3t 🤣🤣🤣

    Cheers to 2019 🥃
  • 0
    By dying?
  • 5
    Nice collection, i get you .. this was my last year "christmas tree" ( its not hollow )
  • 1
    @bittersweet Is that expertise the reason for your nick? :thinking:
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    proof of Darwin's theory
  • 0
    At my job, some coworkers drink ~6 cups of coffee and energy drinks, before lunch. Then they just keep chugging away during the afternoon. I'd have a heartattack after 2 and feel nauseated after 1. Not good for your health.
  • 2
    @bittersweet "Sugar free" usually means artificial sugar, which is even worse than regular sugar (at least in high doses).
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    @Stuxnet that's college
  • 0
    @machoog546 same dude, glad I'm on a break right now, my organs thank me
  • 0
    @bahua you gotta sell your soul to pass, so that's okay
  • 1
    @frickerg Doesn't change the fact that it's not healthy at all
  • 1
    @Stuxnet of course it doesn't but college isn't really known to be the healthiest way of life ;)
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