Seems legit.. 😂😂😂 (taken from fb)

  • 2
    Facebook is really the internet explorer in all the sites that have memes
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    The first level differs from all the rest.
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    Stack overflow error
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    What if the world is a recursive function that someone forgot to close!
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    I think posts should auto delete when they post memes from facebook. Dont want to insult you but it is too repetive...
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    @Gregozor2121 I wasn't aware that this meme was already on devrant, if you can post a link to a rant with this meme, I will gladly delete this one
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    @echonox There is just too many of them... Just leave it but pls dont post any memes from other social platforms because we already saw them all...
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    @echonox @Gregozor2121 i didnt see it.... I guess its time for a chrome extension which generates image hashes and hides duplicates on all other sites once you've seen it.
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    @Gregozor2121 Yeah, you are the guy that already saw every meme, on every site except devRant. You are it, mate!
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    So this is why stack overflow exists...
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    @luftluft ....
    I meaned that i saw all "popular" programming memes on devrant already and they are very ofter repeated.
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    @Gregozor2121 Yeah, like I said, you saw all memes. Fkn no life..
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