
For fucking fuck sake I fucking hate those dense motherfuckers with professor degrees from university. Lazy shmucks.

How, HOW, can you, as a sentient human being, force anybody to use Netbeans for the fucking final project? Two SOAP services, two REST services and PHP for communication? In Netbeans!? WTF. You didn't even teach us PHP for fuck sake. Why can't I choose technology I'm using!?

And to top it all of, Netbeans is the worst IDE I've ever used. I'd rather kill myself with a spoon than use for even one more project. How can ANY TEACHER use it for lectures and tasks? Using it teaches you fucking nothing, because it's generating code for you. It makes you braindead when you just look at it. It's works like shit and looks like shit.

I hope that devTea's swear-words blocker will have some fun with this rant.

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    Is t netbeans just eclipse rebranded?

    Also rest/soap in PHP is pretty straight forward, although no body enjoys writing the XML for soap.
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    Beautiful! 🤣
    My breathing had quite some transients while I was reading the rant. ♥️
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    @RantSomeWhere it always reminded me of the Eclipse UI, guess I was wrong on that one.

    Although being Oracle... can’t say I’d like my chances of being overly impressed.
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    how do they force the IDE you work in ? I mean, do they look while you code or is there some specific add-on you must use or what ? what is preventing you from using your preferred one and netbeans only when they look at source ?
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    No offense but Netbeans is my favorite IDE when text editors are a thing before 2010. And I found rest/soap in PHP easier than XML RPC :3
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    Wait... "professor degrees"?
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    @Chill Mainly my laziness. I tried working with SOAP in IntelliJ but gave up after losing few hours on doing an exercise that teacher only could do in Netbeans. Since then I started working in Netbeans to avoid problems with teacher and lack of support.
    @cursee "No offense" sounds like you were afraid of stating that you like something that I dislike. Do people really get offended by something like that? 😂
    @TempestasLudi Uuuuuuch... You know. Teacher that has professor degree? There's probably better term for this but I don't know it.
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    @Agred Hm... Is it really a degree? In the Netherlands it is more of a position/title: (almost) every professor is the main person of a research group, as far as I know.
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    @TempestasLudi Let's see... Okay, sorry. He's Ph. D. My bad.
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    @Agred No need to apologize. I mean, it was quite an off-topic question ;-)
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    @Agred editor/IDE war is probably right after language war and just before OS war here :3
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    Basically, collage teachers lost contact with the industry 20 years ago.
    That’s why when I took “Object Oriented Programming” in 2003, we did projects in fucking Smalltalk.
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    Build it with whatever you want and show it on Netbeans when he asks to see the code?
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    @matste Do you think they should always work with the industry standards when it comes to languages and tools?
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    @jAsE I believe @devTea made a plugin doing exactly that in web. Not sure if anything like that exist in mobile.
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