
A few days ago, in my windows machine, I was looking at the Task manager's processes. I was like, "I don't need Cortana. It is using so much RAM already. Why not delete it?"
So, I used "Iobit Unlocker" to force delete Cortana & everything seemed okay. But after 1 day, creating new folder option is gone. Now I have to use CMD and MKDIR to create new folders.
The start menu search is also gone (I guess, That's what Cortana was for).
My context menu became buggy. Some menus show sometimes, sometimes don't. "Open with VS code" option is also gone sometimes.
I don't know what will happen next.
Keep my "Windows machine" in your prayer :/

  • 7
    Yep, that subsystem is tightly woven with IO and OS functionality.
  • 8
    Windows in a nutshell
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    Or you could just use windows 10 ltsc
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    @RantSomeWhere yeah, I should've done that. I guess I was too much frustrated with Cortana(in windows PC) :D
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    @fuck2code I think, LTSC is not very good for personal uses
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    @irene The outcome might've been the same
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    @jOkEr-jAsE Cortana is already gone from my PC
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    @irene True. I guess I won't delete Cortana like that ever again :D
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    Simmilar thing happened to my win vm at work. Wt-actual-f Microsoft?
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    @Jilano I don't know. That's not really my opinion cause I never tried LTSC. The internet says its not good for personal use
  • 2
    Not Cortana, but work switched on onedrive sync the other day and sweet Jesus.

    Does it monitor the desktop and then mirror it in the cloud? Does it fuck.

    It literally hooks into windows and *replaces* the desktop path, so that it controls the folder itself and bends windows to its will.

    Like. WTF?!
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    @Brolls Oh dear! That's scary!!!
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    @Jilano do you have a real license or some weird 4chan one?
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    @Brolls I'd still rather use OneDrive than fucking AppSense. We're switching to Onedrive at the company I work for and I can't wait to leave AppSense behind.
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    What a bunch of stupid comments here. Using a crappy third party tool that blows up a system, aaaand... oh of course, must be Windows' fault.
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    you can disable it by setting your location value to Saudi Arabia in windows registry if I remember correctly lol
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    @Jilano Okay, I'll give it a try :) Thanks btw
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