  • 3
    AKA free programmers
  • 7
    So they want a free programmer that needs to work on web pages but has C as his only required skill
  • 3
  • 5
    Well HipHop goes to C++...
    c++ can be compiled to C with Comeau

    So.... you know, it's not a "completely" stupid requirement, but I highly doubt any normal php dev is going to bother knowing that.
  • 2
    Well I'm not seeing a sentence saying it's a unpaid internship so I'm not mad. But the requirements are stupid xD
  • 1
    @C0D4 oh didn't know about that
  • 3
    @Ganofins yea it's one of those useless facts you pickup over the years.
    I dont even use hiphop or hvvm but have looked into them before and I do enjoy understanding how a things actually work.
  • 5
    Responsibilities include: HTML, js, css, PHP, MySQL

    Skills required: C

  • 3
    May be on Internshala
  • 4
    Maybe they just meant that you should know programming decently well enough and you pick up that stuff during the internship? A fair number of companies train you/expect you to learn their stack on-job, they hire based on general programming skill.
  • 3
    - Are you looking for a web deceloper?

    THEM: "Well yes but actually no"
  • 1
  • 1
    @RememberMe which companies?
  • 2
    @Ganofins pretty much any larger company and a fair number of smaller companies/startups too (I got a job offer from a startup about developing stuff in MERN stack, I barely know how to console.log in JS or style a textbox, my resume is all systems/embedded/graphics stuff). They value general competence (or at least, apparent general competence) a fair old bit. Of course, this is from my and my friends' experience, your mileage might vary.

    It *is* a bit weird to list only C programming tbh, but eh.
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