How long do you guys stay at a job before switching? Whether due to pay reasons/lack of interest/etc?

  • 6
    Well, I've been with my current employer about fifteen years.
  • 3
    Current situation: one year
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    @iAmNaN nice! Like the work I hope? :D
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    @devTea same. I'm working on holding on until the 1 year point.. after that it's off to the most interesting / highest paying thing I can find.
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    @RyanTargaryen yes. And the company. 😊
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    Over 4 years I would like to switch but nobody can offer me such amount of freedom and free time.
    I don’t think I will be able to work after/if this contract ends.
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    @rutee07 oof, I feel that. Current job has a lot of politics and like 0 exposure/growth ops... and the previous dev on one of the contracts I'm assigned to has only ever done DBA work.
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    I also do some freelance in meantime. Longest project took almost 1 year of my life but I don’t recommend working in two big projects at the same time.
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    currently 12.5 years and I plan to stay for at least 3 years.. continous growth and possibilities to change have been there for me. and with time I earned a lot of trust what increased my salary and my opportunities to do what I like
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    As soon as possible. I don't like to loose time.
  • 2
    Current job: creaping on the 5 year mark, but starting to think it's time to find something new.

    Previous job: 8 months
    Job before that: 3.5 years
    And before that: about 1.5-2 years.
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    Depends on the job and the company. My last job I would have stayed at indefinitely... but I was made redundant. The one before that I saw the signs after a year and was out by the end of the second.

    I’d try and stay at lease a year or it looks like your a job hopper and harder to hire (unless you put “contract” next to it on your cv)
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    I usually give the company 2 years because I find that fair. After that it's fair game and if someone can make a better offer then I go.
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    @Froot <--- What he said, unless the company is shitty in which case I bail as soon as I have another offer.
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