  • 2
    I think by then the laptop melted in itself like a black hole.
  • 2
    @NeatNerdPrime like Chernobyl
  • 1
    Can somebody please explain this nobody shit? How am I supposed to read these? Dafuq does it mean?
  • 0
    @Froot Mnist is a data set on hand writing and used for recognition of handwriting. Kind of basic but can be used to train with gpus. If you use with gaming laptops it activates the fans as if its performing some heavy computation.hence the meme.
  • 0
    @smiraldr ah yes, thx.
    I was more confused about the whole nobody meme tho 😀
  • 1
    @Froot oh thats just a meme trend as on some shit gets started and happens even if no one really intended for it to happen 😂
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