
How the fuck are you supposed to read the Nobody: shit? What does it mean? It doesn't make any fucking sense.

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    @Froot: gone insane with out knowing why!
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    @Froot πŸ˜‚

    Ok I'll try to make this more obvious!

    Nobody: "there's nothing here - literally.. tumble weed moment"

    Somebody: "usually having an issue with something for no apparent reason"
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    @C0D4 Well yea but why dafuq is that nobody thing even needed?
    It's especially retarded when the "somebody" part is referencing a group of people, like:

    New Yorkers: bla bla bla

    Well your nobody is obviously wrong you fuckhead because that reference section contains 8 million people. 8 million ain't nobody, it's 5 times the population of my country.

    I might just be too old for the internet πŸ˜€
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    @Froot true, it took me a while to understand that one,

    I'm starting to show my age and gray hairs again.
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    @irene πŸ€”just how old do you think I am?
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    The nobody doesn't refer to the next line, it refers to the empty space :D
    nobody asked for nothing,
    Chef Ramsay: let's put salt

    It's for making a sarcastic comment about something you deem to be unnecessary
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    Is the nobody line always empty, though? Can't you use the template like this?

    Nobody: We need more forced updates that break our sound card drivers.
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    @irene πŸ˜…maybe, maybe not.
    I haven't decided yet
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    @faibk well yea but then if the next line references a group it doesn't work at all.

    Nobody asked for salt
    New Yorkers wanted to add more salt.

    Well obviously 8 million people asked for salt then and the first like is wrong πŸ˜€
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    @electrineer I guess if you want to make it more clear. I've seen this flavor on YouTube as well. I mean a meme develops over time, that's part of their weirdness
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    @Froot there are good and bad uses... But you also can't rate a meme on its appropriateness or correctness. Humour is also connected to surprise and misfit
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    @Jilano ye I guess. It's still a retarded system tho πŸ˜€
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    Lol how hard is it to grasp this? Some of them are funny. And don’t stress about the “nobody”. It’s not a “null” reference in programming. Put programming aside for a bit. πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜†
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    Like nobody is doing what next sentence is saying...maybe
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    it's quite similar to the hold my beer one

    users: we need a reliable OS that doesn't crash on updates
    microsoft: hold my beer

    just a different perspective with a different joke point
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    usually here it's used for sth incomprehensible or rediculous happening for no reason and with Noone asking for it

    apple: let's remove the headphone jack
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    @kleopi aaaah I think I get it now.
    It's like a response to a question noone asked.
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    @Froot essentially yes
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