
So this i quite a big project, hundreds of files everywhere, pages are rendered using multiple files.

This is one of the latest created page, it was made by my boss, and it just give me the creeps.

I REALLY don't know how he always comes up with shit like these.

I just hate having more than 5 closing tags in sequence...

  • 1
    Looks beautiful. Not sure what you’re complaining about here.
  • 1
    @grumpyoldaf there are WAY TOO MANY divs closed, some don't even open in this same page or don't even open at all
  • 1
    Classic copy paster
  • 2
    @ZioCain your sarcasm detector is broken my man. I didn’t mean it seriously. Sigh.
  • 2
    Sometimes, complex layouts do be like this...

    Largest number of closing tags I can find in my codebase rn is 4
  • 1
    @grumpyoldaf damn... I was kinda tired lol
    Also, some people ACTUALLY thinks it's ok, that why I didn't detect your sarcasm
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