HOLY CRAP STACKOVERFLOW! I get that you're trying to make it easier for people to get their questions answered by structuring question-asking into a multi-form wizard with guides and problem-checking along the way. But when you block my question from being submitted AT ALL after I've done _absolutely everything_ you've asked and then you tell me that my question isn't valid simply because someone HAPPENED to mention in THEIR question A SINGLE KEYWORD I've included in my question? Like the word "What" or "How" or "img srcset" even though I've ALREADY READ THOSE AND THEY DON'T ANSWER MY QUESTION? That seems to be a bit of a jerk move, doncha think?

(Yes, I know the question showing in the screenshot isn't relevant to my question. I was just being a smart aleck at this point because NONE of the relevant questions I tried would unblock me.)

I guess all questions ever asked or that will ever be asked are already answered on StackOverflow.

  • 6
    Fuck SO anyways, but why don't you just use traditional mode?
  • 6
    Lol, looks like SO‘s knowitall jerks got replaced by a machine. Ironic.
  • 2
    Ands that's why we have devRant.
    Now what's you're problem with srcset?

    Also have you looked at the MDN implementation, under "how to create responsive images"?

  • 2
    @sboesch I didn't notice traditional mode. will definitely use next time. In this case, I just used Chrome Inspector to kill the disabled attribute and I was on my way! :)
  • 1
    @C0D4 Some folks on SO were actually kind and helped me out. I was using w instead of px in the sizes attribute and just totally missed that fact. The whole site I'm working on is the wrong approach, so this is just a hotfix until I can do a better design.
  • 0
    Don't worry, if you DO get past it, the members will do the same fucking thing, or pull a question that doesn't appear there OR on Google out of their ass that answers it perfectly.
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