Is it possible to have an "epistemological bug crisis"? Because i feel like everything I referred to as bugs in my early career weren't true bugs, they were just bad programming or architecture flaws. I feel like real "bugs" are weird issues with the language, compiler, module, etc... that should work one way but work another way. Anyone else had that experience?

This gives rise to the secondary question: who perpetuates the idea that bugs are just "anything wrong with the current codebase"?

  • 1
    Bugs are just flaws at any level.

    The scale and urgency to fix a bug can change but let's not over complicate things.
  • 0
    Well, if we are going for the original meaning, bugs were actual insects that crawled into the machine.
    Nowadays we just call every problem a bug. Doesn't work? Bug.
  • 0
    @irene is it though? I know that's what we traditionally think of as a bug, but as a question of knowing, isnt any mistake in programming/architecture just that: a mistake? And then any unforseen issues with the underlying dependecies or software should be cosidered a bug?
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