
My boss is away for the day.
Spent the day developing stuff.
He calls me and asks me about an app we're making, and I just reply, like yesterday, "you still have to send me the images to finalize it"
Boss: "oh, ok, sending them now."
I'm still waiting for them, I asked them 2 days ago for the first time.

  • 7
    Set up a cronjob/systemd timer to e-mail him everyday with the question if he could send you the files
  • 2
    @alexbrooklyn could be an idea for next times!
  • 0
    Happens so often, my roommates are the worst offenders "can you PayPal me the money for your split of the shopping bill?" And 3 days later still nothing, I even send them a PayPal request and use the "send reminder" feature daily :/
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