
Ladies, gentlemen and fellow Aussie ranters....

Today is the day, I finnaly admit defeat on running GMS2 on a Linux distro...

Depsite the use of multiple wine version, swapping between 32 and 64 bit installations, throwing mono in as well as attempting with .NET core, even with all of the above at once (Don't ask).

With many hours behind me and many... many... many broken installs and dead VM's, I am admitting defeat.

The war between me and wanting to use a product I paid for where ever I wanted has come to an end and I am the only casualty in this war.

*Salutes and the last post starts playing in the distance*

  • 3
    Why do I get the feeling you're going through a mid-life crisis?

    First a PHP dev... yep I said it, now being forced to use Windows for game maker studio.

    This is certainly a ride!
  • 0
    Have you tried Proton?
    I don't know with GMS2, but I can run GMS1 just fine with it.
  • 1
    How can you fail a simple windows installation in a VM? lol
  • 1
    @JoshBent probably should've been clearer, the VM's for big standard installs of my main OS so I didn't have to risk fucking up my actual install and having to go through installing everything over and over...

    (But tbh I would be able to fuck up a windows vm, this is me afterall)
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