It’s not Friday yet, which means I have no excuse for delaying fixing this.

  • 7
    Slightly warm…
  • 3
    Tell them it's so hot that the bot broke and you need $$$ donations for a cooling system. ;)
  • 3
    @haze believe it or not that is (mostly) true. My poor dumpster PC is acting as a server for several bots and it’s always at 100% cpu/ram usage.

    It’s only lasted this long because I have tons of swap.
  • 2
    @IAmAnIssue Understood too well. :) My partner's calculations for his thesis run on a several computers raised a temperature a few degrees Celsius in a room. It was a good heating substitute in winter.
  • 3
    Just change the C to an F and it's probably accurate!
  • 3
    @AlgoRythm the units changes depending on the location you give. The API does provide the units, I just goofed.
  • 2
  • 0
    Fake news
  • 0
    Well it’s a good thing I decided to look at it today. Turns out it posts nsfw content into non-nsfw channels if you give it an nsfw subreddit to get images from.
  • 0
    Bro I thought this was farenheit not celsius!
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