
Wait this is crazy!
Well I'm not an anxious or depressed type.
But no melatonin pill = no sleep
Worst part is no sleep during the day cause of sun light.

Even taking pills won't guarantee my sleep .
Yes I told my doc and he said "just relax , limit your caffeine "

Have you experienced this?

  • 9
    Dont take melatonin regularly. I used to and it lost its effect. I finally got off it, but it took a few days of no sleep to get my cycle back.
  • 3
    It does loose it's effect if you take it regularly.

    I've experienced that it pretty much behaves like caffeine but opposite. Melatonin is a sleep hormone and caffeine is a trigger for relasing stress hormones.
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    @joas but without it I have no chance to sleep (I tried :/)

    Any other things that might help?
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    @R1100 Mindfulness
  • 2
    @R1100 Get off of it. It took me 3 or 4 days.
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    Melatonin isn't a bad drug in a sense. Like I said, it's comparable to caffeen.
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    I find that I can’t sleep because of my hyper focus. I don’t let go of my thoughts because I literally can’t.

    Cannabis is legal here so when I really can’t sleep I take ~2mg of a THC spray a few hours before bed. It interrupts my focus enough that I don’t do engaged things all night. I don’t feel the effect and I can still do everything. If I take that I’m likely to just talk with my wife all evening instead of thinking about one thing all evening and night.
  • 2
    Try meditation. Before bed, and when you wake up. Helped me miles. And dont star with the "Oh lol I'm so wacky and random that i can't clear my mind", because that's not the goal of meditation. Try headspace app; it's free and will help guide you through. I would recommend doing at least 10 minutes, but it sounds like you may even get the benefits with 5.

    Feel free to @ me if you have questions.
  • 0
    @arcsector If you haven’t been somewhere it doesn’t mean that a place doesn’t exist.
  • 6
    Do what you doctor says.
    Go with a strict "no melatonin, no caffeine" rule and after all withdrawal symptoms have disappeard (a couple of days for melatonin, a couple of weeks for caffeine) you will feel better and a regular sleeping cycle will be no problem.

    It's that for both melatonin and caffeine they are great at the beginning and work very effectively. But you will build up a resistance very quickly.
    With melatonin this will make it less effective until you cannot get tired anymore.
    With caffeine it means that you can, after you finally slept, only get awake after you had your coffee.
    If you keep both away and go through the hard withdrawal phase, both effects vanish and you will get tired in the evening and become awake quickly after you woke up.

    Hell, you then can even stick to a regular sleeping schedule meaning you will get tired at the same time every evening and wake up BY YOURSELF without an alarm clock at the same time every day.

    So: Do simply not mess with your boddy.
  • 4
    melatonin isn't a sleeping pill, it's an move inner clock pill. This means you can get jetlag feelings from it.

    Two hours before bed avoid any light emitting displays, read a book, do a puzzle.
    In bed lie down, don't try to sleep but lay still with an empty head, I use relaxing music for that, not to loud though.
  • 1
    Read “Why We Sleep”, from Matt Walker. Overall good book about sleep and sleeplessness.
  • 2
    Drop all caffeine.
    It directly counteracts sleep by blocking sleep hormone reception.
  • 4
    Personally i smoke 1 joint every day before going to bed, i sleep like a charm. the only thing is, getting up after you wake up, to me, is a real struggle.

    Talk to your GP/doctor about this.

    But for me Cannabis >> meds .
  • 1
    @dfox @JoshBent another abuse of down voting
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    Have i been downvoted? Wauw! What a sad person to be.
  • 5
    @NeatNerdPrime If you do this regularly you may be forming or have a dependency on the effects. Chemicals should definitely be last resort not a routine. Even though I use THC myself infrequently I recommend other behavioural coping strategies because it comes at a cost to health and stability.
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    @irene guess i am doomed.
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    @irene cannabis is not legal in my region.
    I'm not feeling good about smoking or taking drugs (am I custard? )
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    i used to have really bad insomnia before i started treating my anxiety, and tbh it was cyclic. i was more anxious because i coudn't sleep and i couldn't sleep because i was anxious
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    @R1100 melatonin is drugs too, and more harmful than marihuana
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    @Codex404 doc said it's more natural than the other pills. What for? No more effect on me
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    @R1100 melatonin is the hormone produced by mammals which indirectly has something to do with sleeping. Using it to much will stop your own production of melatonin and causes feeling awake in the night and sleepy during the day

    So it is natural, but the manual intake isnt.

    It also has something to do with sunlight so get enough of that
  • 0
    @Codex404 exactly !! Will I be able to sleep again after i get off of it?
  • 2
    @R1100 yes, maybe not the first nights but if your sleeping schedule is using set times it should become better.
  • 5
    @Benedikt So much this. The best advice is to listen to your body, don't use chemicals that mess with your body (except when medically necessary), and do as much as you can to work with your body rather than against it. In our fast-paced societies this can be difficult to do, but it has the best benefits long-term.
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    Melatonin is natural the same way anabolic steroids are natural.
  • 1
    @Codex404 when I looked at that there was no downvote so they must have removed it, maybe a mistake.
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    @R1100 did your sleep improve?
  • 3
    @jesustricks yeah !
    No pill + less coffee = better sleep

    Thanks :)
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