
I arrived at 8am sharp today, SHARP, I usually arrive 2-3min earlier, so I can start with my actual work at 8am sharp, but traffic was rough and my scooter wouldn't turn on, so I wasn't able to.
Suddenly my boss calls me into his office, being all like "you are late everyday, you won't start work until 5 after 8 yadayada". Wtf?? You know I have a clock on my desk and I always check the clock when I'm arriving at work? (He has security cameras everywhere, so he can actually see me check the clock every morning). This morning I arrived at 8am sharp and the only reason why I started with work late is because he thought it's necessary to remind me to be at work in time. Now he expects me to start with work 5min early everyday, fuck off!

  • 27
    This is beyond stupidity. Time to leave
  • 8
    @Lyniven this completely agree looks like a toxic environment I would update CV and look for something else!
  • 9
    I get in at 8am, sometimes 7:40, sometimes 8:30 but it's all 8am when you average that back out.

    I also work later if I get in later, what kind of nut job expects you in on the strike of the hour?
  • 11
    Wow. Your boss is a fucking moron.
  • 3
    Wait how hard most places care about 5 minutes
  • 4
    I imagine your boss does not
    Mind when you work after hours or god forbid during week end right?
  • 4
    I "should" be in work at 9am sometimes I get here at 10 and nobody bats an eye.. if the work is done, nobody even talks to me lol (other than other devs or designers)

    on the other hand, I'm starting to be afraid, that if I switch companies I will be screwed, because I will have problems to get used to being on time all the time (yes, I am completely aware how silly that sounds)
  • 7
    Time to also leave exactly to the minute.
  • 1
    And that's how you are not able to keep employees.

    I usually arrive between 5:30 AM to 10:00 AM, and nobody bats an eye
  • 1
    Dear OP, change your job. Seriously. Get one in which it's ok to stay overtime if you want to (important, it's your choice, not that you are asked to) and skip a day if you need to.
  • 0
    Wait, so if he expects you to be 5 min early to start working, are you allowed to leave 5 min early too? If you are, then fine, that's ok. If not, then WTF
  • 5
    If your boss cares more about ass-in-seat time than productivity, it's probably time to replace them by finding a new job. The job market is pretty good rn. The best developer at the company I work for rolls in at all odd hours of the day.
  • 0
    At company I work for we have flexible time, we work 8 hours a day and can start from 7am until 11 I think and Noone screams when you usually start at 8 and arrive 5 past 8,you just work 5 min later :)
  • 1
    Time to leave, no more wasting time my friend :)
  • 0
    As long as you arrive early and the work gets done, my boss don't care. The only thing he cares about is all communications with the client should go smoothly (we work for other companies as part of their teams). I can stay at home if I want or go to a coworking space. Now I'm in another country. If you're not managing people, the only things that require such a strict schedule can be automated away.
  • 0
    Our work week is Mon-Fir 8 to 5. However, if you have an appointment they just expect you to try and work it off. I usually take 1/2 lunches so I can usually fit that time in at lunch. Boss does not care as long as work is done.

    Has your boss seen "Horrible Bosses"? One of the bosses in the movie does exactly what your boss does.
  • 0
    Resign and never look back
  • 0
    My contract says I start at 8 AM but I never arrive earlier than 10AM... Sometimes as late as 10:40 AM. The perks of working in a 5 people startup I guess.
  • 0
    @Nicci Lol, startups... I was in one. We worked in a garage with no AC. I was wearing (unknown to me) see through t-shirts. It wasn't until a guy yelled at me about that.
  • 1
    Worked for a company like this in the past, never in my life will I ever be treated like that again! You need to leave...
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