"When the light turns green, you go.
When the light turns red, you stop.
But what do you do when the light turns blue with orange and lavender spots?" - Shel Silverstein

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    You stop taking so damn much LSD.
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    if light == green
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    You begin to think about how you should have paid closer attention to the politics of your region.
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    You reere your engine and turn on the fog light.
    As it's clearly stated in chapter 24 subsection 13, paragraph 11 together with chapter 27 subsection 24 paragraph 9.
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    If I just went on green light, I would already have been killed multiple times. No matter what the light says, you fucking LOOK whether traffic is coming across!
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    @Fast-Nop This!

    Blindly following the laws only works when absolutely everyone also blindly follows them 100% of the time. But people are people and are unreliable and lazy. So take care of yourself and don't trust others, especially with your own safety.
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    @Root Devs know this as "defensive programming". ^^
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    @Fast-Nop I know it as being a cold, cynical, untrusting bitch. 😕 Works well though.
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    @Fast-Nop @Root
    That is why in my country we have a limited trust law thing
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    @Gregozor2121 Could you explain for those of us in other countries?
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    In my country when you learn for your driver licence, they tell you to ALWAYS have limited trust to others because they might do something bad. I think it is even mentioned in court or insurance cases where you werent the person who caused the incident that you are still a bit liable for not following the limited trust thing. (Of course depends on the case, because sometimes you just cant react fast enough even if you had followed it)
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