
I really don't like this trend of building command line applications for controlling some <buzzword> cloud app or <buzzword> framework.

Why should I need or want to learn the exact wording of your gcloud command, or the path to your Ng cli, or some ass-backwards AWS search syntax when I can get the same functionality from your web app, where I can use my FUCKING EYES to work out where the "Create Instance" button is and how to click it!!!??

Stop pushing your shitty python monolith of a client where possibilities for the above task range from:
- google-cloud instances --add "subfjfechye thiq"
- gcloud /create /type=INSTANCE "rogdhyuffhue"

"BuT iT mAkEs iT MoRe aUtomaTaBLe"
I DON'T CARE. What is the point when I can use a proper programming language instead of bash, with actual code-completion and syntax rather than the horrendous excuse for a suggestion system that is the Tab key where it probably doesn't even work in the first place and I have to copy and paste some mysterious dbus command buried in an old documentation page on the Wayback Machine using a utility I don't have installed and a broken URL?

Go away.

  • 4
    What are you doing that's forcing you to use gcloud?
  • 5
    It's just easier to make a script w/ shell than install a whole runtime, compiler, sdk and whatnot just to combine a few calls together.

    Vim has code autocompletion fyi. And _tab_ autocomplete for shell can be easily built.

    Some people just find shell more, MORE flexible than gui and MUCH quicker to build and maintain than an app :)
  • 2
    Eh? You don't want them to provide a shitty monolithic client in a random language so you can write your own shitty monolithic client in a random language?!

    Whole point of these clients is that you can cobble something together in 2 seconds with bash if you need to for dev / CI purposes, and build that into something much more complex if you require (heck, even with a GUI on it if you really want.)
  • 0
    Everything is a fileserver... Ok, in plan9. That makes it easier. You can control it with your standard commands like echo and cat and everything else is plain text
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    I don't know about gcloud but every sdk for aws just calls the cli commands so why not just call them? Most python clis wrap around bash or C programs anyway.

    I get that higher level languages are easier to learn but what's the issue with using the main cli of that's the most performant.

    Unless the cli is for one niche purpose, I'd argue that guis are too difficult to design to be as flexible as a cli command.
  • 2
    You just baited every Linux user here.
    I agree. Stop with CLI tools. It’s a nightmare. MAKE A DAMN GUI for you cloud services!
    I want to be able to access anything you offer in 2-2 clicks max. I don’t want to spent time entering terminal commands of 15481 characters to just get a list of instances
  • 2
    Bad cli design is a thing. Think docker. Everything that you want to do is accessible, the most frequent commands are the simplest, you don't need to be aware of options you aren't taking. That's good design. I, for one, prefer the command line. It is true that it's easier to automate and easier to create, so I think that not having a good CLI client is much less reasonable than not having a GUI.
    If you only have a CLI and you want a GUI, just write one.
  • 0

    I think you put the issue in plain language Lor. The same issue I've been trying to find words to express for some time, I and others.

    CLI tools tend to be in-congruent piles of poorly thought out shit.
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