
i had no fucking clue it was ever gone away....who writes this shit man?

  • 31
    Ignore it. It was written by typical windows users.
  • 28
    There's a reason I don't read these kinds of sites.
  • 40
    Oh man good thing I was AFK 10 hours ago. I would've lost my shit if I suddenly found out CLI disappeared on my lappy between this morning and noon..
  • 9
    Trash for trash execs
  • 7
    This reeks of linkedin business persona's
  • 10
    Better question is who reads this shit
  • 4
    What the fuck is a cli
  • 7
    @tekashi I am pretty sure you are joking about it. Anyway, just in case, it stands for "Command-line interface".


    I started on computers loving that black and green/orange screen, with a cursor waiting me to know what to input there, so it could work properly. I just loved it.

    Yes, Windows 3.1 was cool, AfterDark were funny, installing Win95 for the first time were an unforgettable experience, but my real passion always lived in the CLI.

    But reading this headline did not make me angry, I actually almost laugh of it.
  • 2
    Dev.to is full of non-informative posts and garbage like this. I thought it would be a nice site to keep up with dev related stuff but it’s not. Half the articles aren’t even checked for spelling or grammar.
  • 0
    @52cal If that's the case then I honestly fear what their actual code looks like
  • 5
    @tekashi yeah that's a good way to make people like you. People actually spent time on your fucking dumb question and that's how you handle that? Fuck off.
  • 10
    Cryptocurrency Learning Intelligence

    Think of it as next level blockchain cryptocurrency with advance AI.
  • 2
    The guy on the picture is clearly a apple user. He just found the use of CLI and wrote a blog post about it.
  • 3
    @C0D4 does it scale well on the cloud too?
  • 3
    @jesustricks still early days but the plan is to have to scale horizontally over multiple clouds as needed.

    while settle for one when you can use them all.
  • 1
    @Codex404 o.o hold up man what's going on? dude was just asking about the cli o.o
  • 3
    @AleCx04 I sense a deleted comment...
    Quick! To the archives!
  • 0
    @tekashi sounds like something that doesn't exist
  • 4
    @AleCx04 he called Bruno a dumb fuck (and a few other words) because he said CLI was something completely different, cant remember what exactly. I do know that it's not funny especially with the thorough answer Bruno gave.
  • 3
    @jesustricks @AleCx04 I was wrong. Just checked his profile and it was not deleted.
  • 2
    @Codex404 how did it get hidden though? through a report?
  • 2
    @jesustricks down votes can hide it already.
  • 0
    @Codex404 my boy has a strange sense of humor but he doesn't mean to come out as a dick, it was a baaaaad choice of words hahahahaha
  • 1
    @AleCx04 he might not want to come out as a dick, but in my opinion he did act like one.

    Why ask the question when you can do it like this:

    CLI? I'm assuming it stands for <insert joke>
  • 1
    @Codex404 what the fuck is a joke
  • 1
  • 2
    @Codex404 that being said, I now must pioneer a new interface called 'RIS' or the Reactive Interface Session or something, and then create a CLI application that hooks cli to ris and call it cli2ris. That is now my destiny!
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