I started learning programming recently, what do you think of my first project?

  • 3
    Hello Spaghetti!
  • 1
    A bit too round, but I’d say that’s ready to cruise off the coast.
  • 4
    I can see some goto statements there! Beautiful!
  • 8
    yum install spaghetti
  • 4
    Spaghetti code? Add some await/async sauce.
  • 4
    Show me the sauce!
  • 4
    Your sauce is full of spaghetti
  • 1
    Damn that's looking good, @rutee07 can probably teach you how to work the noodles even better.
  • 0
    @-red They just make things more interesting
  • 3
    Thats not a bad front end what did u use
  • 2
    I'm amazed at the quality of this pic that it has even after going through the compression by dR
  • 2
    That's a lot of strings. I hope you used a stringer module for that.
  • 1
    Could you link the sauce?
  • 1
    Looks so italian to me. Either you are italian or I just found another nation that can make italian spaghetti the right way. That's a very good looking dish ๐Ÿ˜
  • 1
    @-red U need to sober up
  • 1
    I want to eat now...
  • 1
    Did you covered in test which test nothing?
    If there are any useful tests - please remove them and go to production.
    If all of the tests are testing nothing - please merge and ship it to production!
  • 1
    Next step is lasagna and then ravioli
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