  • 17
    At least they are honest.
  • 16
    They must be located in Portland, Oregon. 🤦🏻‍♀️
  • 7
    Doh, is that 60lbs to filter old people?
  • 4
    Something similar was in the job description when I interviewed for Soldier of Fortune magazine.
  • 1
    @Root wait, what? How is that related...?
  • 5
    Recent protests were pitting protesters against police and federal agents.
  • 4
    @SortOfTested oh Christ almighty.

    I hope everything will come back to normal soon, I just wanna see my friends again.
  • 8
    You dont hunt this job, it hunts you.
  • 5
    @SortOfTested And other civilians, and other protesters. 🙄
  • 1
    Portland has always had a large number of people who are willing to commit crimes of convenience. It's the only place I've ever been mugged.
  • 8
    A few years ago some guy in the finance department came over with a knife and stabbed a guy in our IT department. They arrested him and stuff. The guy in IT ended up being okay. It was fun times for all.

    Job ads like this could exist for examples like that, or they could be a slight at our field. Whichever it is. I'm not talking to Kevin from finance again.
  • 0
  • 4
    I just like how it’s ambiguous on where the threat is coming from. Is it saying your potential coworkers have really fanatical beliefs around what is acceptable code, is it that the bank is so often a target that they need to warn people before they apply? Is it the area? So many questions.
  • 4
    I've never been so intrigued - and simultaneously scared - of a job posting in all my life.
  • 6
    That's a "By applying for this position you forfeit any and all rights to complain or sue if you get beat up" disclaimer.
  • 1
    @Root They are!! Coquille, OR
  • 0
  • 1
    @vomitmachine Lol wtf. What was the beef between the IT guy and Kevin from finance?
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